Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mothers: The Strongest Role Models

It is said, a man’s mother is his first love. From her and the treatment he witnesses determines the extent of respect he holds for women in general. Some may disagree, but when you’ve been blessed with a strong, loving, thoughtful mother, I believe that statement holds true.
I have been blessed to have a mother that is wonderful role model and friend. A woman that has always believed in me, patted me on my back when I was right, and told me honestly when I was wrong. She’s always been a woman of prayer. I remember when I was 12 and first became sick. Doctors had no idea what was wrong with me. My grades fell and I was getting in trouble. I lost weight and looked sick. Most people thought I was on drugs or was just acting out labeling me a troubled youth. Not Momma, she told me, “Baby I know there is something wrong, but this is in God’s hands.” I would walk past her door at night and she would be on her knees praying. After a year of going to see doctors and psychologists, and having every possible test done on me, we found out I had an extremely hyperactive Thyroid. When my mother and I left the doctor’s office and had gotten back in the car, my mother started to cry. As I watched her cry and say “Thank you Lord”, the love I saw in her eyes was immeasurable. A mother’s love is different than any other.
Good mothers sits up with you on long nights when you’re sick. They teach you how to treat a woman by the treatment they allow of themselves. They teach you to respect others, and how to conduct yourself in different situations just by watching them on a daily basis. Mothers don’t judge you, they correct you. Mothers are the most important part of the family circle. They are the glue that holds the family ship together.
My mother is a beautiful, intelligent, God-fearing woman. I thank her for all the laughs, talks, discipline, and most importantly love. When I have tears in my eye, her embrace comforts me like I’m touching an Angel. My mother has always had a way of making me feel like everything is going to be ok.
Women I hope you realize the power you possess to mold the mind, heart, and spirits of your children. Don’t just tell them to do the right things, be the model of the right things you speak of. Be strong and show them how to respect people and make them respect you. Always remember honesty is the key. Don’t be bias or jaded when dealing with your children because when it all boils down, all they have is you as a guide.
Happy Birthday Mommy!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Will Tomorrow Be Too Late

Every day I wake up I think, “Will tomorrow be too late”. In this fast paced world we live sometimes we never stop to smell the flowers. We are so preoccupied by work, daily schedules and other responsibilities; we never slow down to enjoy life or the people around us. My Grandmother (RIP) taught me a lot of things. She taught me how to pray, cook, treat people right, the importance of “saying what you mean and meaning what you say” and enjoying the people close to you while God grants you time.
We are all human and imperfect. Often, we take life and time for granted. But what happens when time runs out and life continues, or vice versa? By that I mean, when someone close to you passes and you never resolve your differences, what can be done? The answer to that is simple…nothing. Understanding this simple fact will change the way you interact with others. When you really understand tomorrow isn’t promised, you then realize how precious life really is.
When a loved one’s life ends and your time continues, it’s too late to tell them you love them, or that you’re sorry, or even thank you. Many times, when this occurs stress is perpetuated through overeating, drug abuse, sexually acting out and misplaced aggression.
The question you must ask yourself is “is it really worth it.” Does the unresolved issue trump the love you have for that person? If so, that’s between you and God. If not, take the proper steps to heal the relationship.  Love the people close to you while you can. Kiss your wife or husband and tell them how much you love them. Hug your children and tell them you’re proud of them. Call your parents and to them thank you for the love and care they have shown you and tell your brother and/or sisters how much they mean to you. We only get one chance in life. One chance to love others and ourselves properly. The world creates enough stress for us as it is; don’t let your pride, ego or unwillingness to forgive create more. Always remember “to err is human, but to forgive is divine.”

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Love Yourself For Who You Are

We live in a society where people are obsessed with the opinions of others. Some wear certain clothes because someone else says they’re cool. Some buy expensive cars because they believe others will think more highly of them. Some women get plastic surgery because they believe it makes them more appealing. For some reason people are never truly happy with themselves. They are always striving to be something they’re not, and when it comes to they’re body image it’s the same story.
I always tell people “I am God’s imperfect perfection”. Let me explain what I mean. I am not the smartest or best looking man. I am not the most athletic or physically gifted man. I am not perfect in any way except I am exactly what God created me to be. To many times we look at ourselves and wish we were taller, smaller, slimmer etc. Instead of wishing you were something you’re not, strive to be the best you you can be and love yourself for it.
Just recently I asked a female client to tell me her fitness goals. She didn’t say she wanted to be healthier, improve her quality of life, or better her BMI (body mass index), all she said was “I want to be 130lbs.” I explained to her not to watch the scale, but to concentrate on decreasing her measurements. She gave me a funny look so I knew she didn’t understand from where I was coming. I had to explain to her that everyone’s body and muscle to fat ratio is different. While all she wanted to do was get down to 130lbs, she didn’t realize that the image in her head wouldn’t look the same in real life.
Men have the same issue. I’m 5’9” (I am no matter what anyone says), 190 lbs. I cannot look at a man that’s 6’4” 240lbs and say I want to look like that. If I do, I’m going into the gym with unreal expectations. Unreal expectations cause people to lose faith in their workout and eating practices and lead to them abandoning their fitness goals totally.
Moral of the story is when you enter into a workout program or decided to take steps to be fit, understand that you are God’s perfect imperfection. Your goal shouldn’t be to look like anyone else; it should be to create the best you possible. Not every woman is genetically made to be 130lbs. Not every man is blessed with the body of a professional athlete. One thing is for sure though; God blessed each of us with individual mental, physical, and spiritual gifts. It is up to us to strive to enhance the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. I tell people all the time “you will never find better 5’9” 190 lbs Corey Mac.” Love and accept you for who you are. Because if you can’t, how could you expect anyone else too.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Water: What America is missing

Anyone that knows me, or sees me in the gym, knows I’m the guy with the gallon of water. I first started drinking a lot of water when I was a teenager. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease at the age of 12. Due to that fact, most cold and flu medications were not an option for me. When I would get sick, my Grandmother (RIP) and mother would tell me I just needed to sweat it out. As I got older I realized the more water I drank, the more I would sweat, and I would rarely get headaches. So as a way to keep myself from becoming sick, I would consume large amount of water over long periods of time to keep my system flushed out.
The more I worked out and learned about the body, the more I began to understand the importance of water. Let’s talk about some facts. Depending on body size, most human bodies are 55-78% water. The tissue and organ breakdown is as follows:
·         Muscle consists of 75% water
·         Brain consists of 90% of water
·         Bone consists of 22% of water
·         Blood consists of 83% water
(, Benefits of Drinking Water and How, 2010)
 Although our society is fast paced, the amount of physical activity we actually do has decreased over time. Anyone that works out can tell you there’s nothing better than a fresh glass of water when your heart rate is elevated and you are sweating. The issue is since many people never get to that state, when they consume fluids the taste is more important than the effect it has on the body.  Therefore, many of us reach for the sugar-filled, high fructose corn syrup containing sweetened juices, sodas, coffee, and teas, and water is tossed to the side. Not consuming the proper amount of water can lead to dehydration, which is a huge problem in America today.
 Some studies indicate that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated (A. Roberts, Whatcom Coalition staff, 2007). I know what you’re thinking, “I’m not dehydrated, food contains water, and aren’t sodas, coffee, juices, and teas made from water?” So many variables such as age, weight, geographic area, social, and cultural variables play a big part in determining how much water an individual needs to consume. What is known is that even if an individual eats a perfect diet, they will not consume enough water for the body to function properly.
Dehydration affects the body in a number of ways. Chronically dehydrated people usually have sign that continue to worsen over time. Here are just a few symptoms of dehydration:
·         Tiredness
·         Migraines
·         Constipation
·         Muscle cramps
·         Irregular blood pressure
·         Kidney problems
·         Dry skin
·         Irritability
·         Anxiety
·         Depression
·          Food cravings
·         Allergies
·         Feeling sick when waking in the morning
·         Heartburn
·          Angina
·         Joint pain
·         Back pain
·         Colitis pain
·         Late-onset diabetes
·         Hypertension
Consuming the proper amount of water is key to looking good, feeling good, and living a healthy life. The minimum recommendation for water consumption per day is eight, eight-ounce glasses. The Positive effects of drinking water are countless. Here are just a few:
·         Weight Loss – Americans have become a custom to consuming far more solid foods that the body actually needs. Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Consuming water on a regular basis will cause many to feel hungry less. Water also cleans out your digestive system. Since most people don’t consume the proper amount of water, the body is unable to flush out all of the waste products from food. When this situation occurs, the risk of cancer in the bowels, kidneys, intestines, and colon increase dramatically.
·          Prevents headaches – The brain is 90% water. If you don’t supply your body with enough water, your brain cannot function properly.  The result will be headaches or migraines. (A. Roberts, Whatcom Coalition staff, 2007)
·         Healthier skin - Water helps to replenish skin tissues. It moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.
·         Less cramps and sprains - Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, which makes people less likely get cramps and sprains.
 Moral of the story is this. Water makes you and keeps you healthier. We live in a society where when we get aches and pains, we go to the doctor to get medications to mask the symptoms. Our country spends more money on health care than any other country in the world. Is it because we are just more prone to get sick? Not at all, it’s because we don’t take care of our bodies properly. Since children learn how to care for themselves by watching adults, bad habits that we have are learned by them.  Combine the excessive amount of sugar we consume and the lack of water intake of the average American, and you will have a better understanding of why the overall health of our country is steadily declining. 
God has granted each of us one body. It is our duty to care for it to the best of our abilities. Doing the small things sometimes go a long way in creating and maintaining a healthy body and life. Instead of soda, drink water. Instead of giving your children what they want, give them what they need.  Simply drinking the proper amount of water will increase the quality of life for you and your family.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stress: The Silent Killer

The #1 killer and cause of disease is stress. Stress is a part of every human’s life; however some people have no idea how to deal with it. Our bodies are built to experience stress and react to it. Stress, at times, can be positive by keeping us alert and aware of dangerous situations. Stress becomes negative when we face continuous challenges without relief or relaxation from these challenges. As a result, people become overworked and stress-related tension builds. In general, no matter the age, knowing how to manage stress has become a huge problem in our society today.
When stress continues without any relief, it leads to a condition called distress. Distress leads to physical symptoms including the following: headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress can also cause certain diseases.
Stress becomes even more harmful when people use alcohol, tobacco, or other harmful drugs in their efforts to self medicate for relief. In most cases, instead of relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances keep the body in a stressed state and cause more problems. Consider the following:
·         43% of all adults negative health effects from stress. (Jerome F. Kiffer, MA, Department of Health Psychology and Applied Psychophysiology, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.)
·         75 - 90% of all doctor's office visits are associated with stress-related ailments and complaints. (Jerome F. Kiffer, MA, Department of Health Psychology and Applied Psychophysiology, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.)
·         Stress plays a huge part in health concerns such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.
·         The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared stress a hazard of the workplace. Stress costs the American industry more than $300 billion per year.
·         50% of people suffering from stress end up being diagnosed with an emotional disorder. (Jerome F. Kiffer, MA, Department of Health Psychology and Applied Psychophysiology, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.)
My Grandmother (RIP) used to always tell me “don’t let this world stress you out!” From her, my father and my own experimentation I learned to deal with stress in positive ways. When you find yourself stressed, try these tips:
·         Pray
·         Meditate
·         Yoga
·         Deep breathing exercises
·         Physical exercise, such as walking or jogging
·         Start a workout program
Another issue associated with stress that people sometimes don’t realize is diet. The food you eat has a lot to do with how you mentally and physically are able to handle stress. Bad eating choices and habits lead to a weakened physical and mental state. At times when stressed, the best thing to do is cleanse your body and mind to start over. Let me explain what I mean:
1.     Detox (For the Body): For a 7 day period do not eat or drink any items with added sugar. If possible, eliminate all proteins that come from the flesh of animals. Eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Only consume whole grain products. Concentrate on consuming at least a 1/2 gallon of water per day. Doing these things will create a natural colonic cleanse.
2.     Meditate (For the Mind): Too often today, in our extremely fast paced society, we don’t take time to let our minds relax and rest. Many of us can’t regularly get a good night’s sleep because our minds are still moving a mile a minute. First thing in the morning and/or the last thing at night, take 15 – 20 minutes to meditate. Learning to meditate is an art. The goal is to clear your mind. However, sometimes when you try not to think about anything, you think about everything. Try laying on the floor, face up, legs spread shoulder width apart, with your arms to the side, palms up. Envision black paint in a sink that has just been unclogged. Focus on the vortex of the black paint. Let your mind expel your thoughts in the same manner that the paint is being drained from the sink. As you do this, take deep full breathes in a rhythmic pattern.
3.     Find the God in You (For the Soul): Get closer to God as He is our creator. Learn who God is for yourself in your everyday life. There’s a big difference between being religious and being spiritual. Understanding that fact, will allow your soul to connect to its origin and strength. The man in the pulpit can only teach you so much; at some point we must all seek God for ourselves.
The main thing to remember is life happens. Many things in this world are out of our control. So why worry about the things we have no control over? I think the theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, summed it up best in the words of his 1943 sermon. This is the prayer my Grandmother (RIP) instructed me to pray every morning and every night. I have found, in my own life, the power of prayer is undeniable. Try it and see if I’m right.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
  Courage to change the things I can,
  And wisdom to know the difference.”

Monday, January 2, 2012

You vs. Sugar: Who will win?

The definition of addiction is a physical and psychological dependence on psychoactive substances (for example, alcohol, tobacco, heroin, caffeine and other drugs) which cross the blood-brain barrier once ingested, temporarily altering the chemical milieu of the brain.

Question to think about: When Coca-cola stopped using cocaine in sodas, why do you think the best substitute for it was sugar? The chemical formula for Cocaine is C17H21NO4; while sugar’s chemical formula is C12H22O11. Pretty similar huh? Sadly they both share the same addictive qualities.

When we talk about addicts, for some reason we only express our disapprovement of the individuals that are abusing illegal drugs, yet those abusing legal substances are given a pass. The one legal substance that U.S. families are addicted to more than any other…is Sugar. Due to the incredibly high amount of processed foods, fast food, and carbonated drinks we consume, the average American adult eats/drinks 22 teaspoons of sugar per day while the average American teenager eats/drinks the outrageous amount of 34 teaspoons a day.

Why is this so outrageous you ask? For starters, women should consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day, while men shouldn’t consume anymore that 9 teaspoons of sugar per day. Most people believe the worst thing that could happen is weight gain… wrong we are.

Here are just five problems that the over consumption of sugar could cause:
1.   Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defenses against infectious disease.
2.   Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
3.   Sugar can cause many problems with the gastrointestinal tract including: an acidic digestive tract, indigestion, malabsorption in patients with functional bowel disease, increased risk of Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.
4.   Sugar is enemy #1 of your bowel movement.
5.   Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.

The increase in sugar and the decrease in water consumption in our country have made obesity, ADHD, cancer of the prostate/ bowel (and other areas of the gastrointestinal tract) rates go through the roof! Instead of looking at our diets, we just go to the doctor to get pills to mask the real issues.
Watch your sugar intake, if not for you for your children. They don’t deserve to grow up over weight/hyperactive because we as adults didn’t that the time to feed them properly. They don’t deserve to have skin issues or take meds for hyperactivity because we don’t know how to tell them “no you can’t have that”. Would you give your children or family a plate of cocaine to snort every day? If not then why do you allow them to be poisoned by the over consumption of sugar? Stop being a victim and become the victor. Take back you health and the health of your families. If you don’t do something...don’t expect anyone else too.

Health Tip of the Day: Put down the soda and pick up the water. You will feel healthier, your hair and nails will grow longer and stronger, and a lot of skin irritation issues will be cured…not to mention the natural weight loss you will experience from flushing out your system.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

No excuses in 2012

Its 2012! Time to let the past be the past and create a beautiful future.  It’s time to take back control of your body mind and soul. How many times have you looked at old pictures when you were in better shape and said, “Wow I look good…I wish I could get back in shape like that”... My question is why can’t you? Most people create excuses like, “I don’t have time”, “I’m predisposed to be like this”, “That’s just not possible at my age”, and the list goes on and on. What people don’t understand is that instead of making big changes that last for a short period of time, make small changes that will last for longer periods of time. Getting back in shape is a marathon not a sprint. Start by doing simple things like eating out less, cutting out sodas and artificially sweetened drinks, drinking the recommended minimum 64oz of water, or adding some simple cardiovascular exercise to your daily routine. In this world there are so many aspects of our lives that are out of our control, however our personal fitness and the fitness of our families is not. Your physical shape is nobody’s responsibility but yours. So start out 2012 right…remember a healthy body will help create and maintain a healthy mind and in turn will nurture ones struggling soul.