Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Water: What America is missing

Anyone that knows me, or sees me in the gym, knows I’m the guy with the gallon of water. I first started drinking a lot of water when I was a teenager. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease at the age of 12. Due to that fact, most cold and flu medications were not an option for me. When I would get sick, my Grandmother (RIP) and mother would tell me I just needed to sweat it out. As I got older I realized the more water I drank, the more I would sweat, and I would rarely get headaches. So as a way to keep myself from becoming sick, I would consume large amount of water over long periods of time to keep my system flushed out.
The more I worked out and learned about the body, the more I began to understand the importance of water. Let’s talk about some facts. Depending on body size, most human bodies are 55-78% water. The tissue and organ breakdown is as follows:
·         Muscle consists of 75% water
·         Brain consists of 90% of water
·         Bone consists of 22% of water
·         Blood consists of 83% water
(, Benefits of Drinking Water and How, 2010)
 Although our society is fast paced, the amount of physical activity we actually do has decreased over time. Anyone that works out can tell you there’s nothing better than a fresh glass of water when your heart rate is elevated and you are sweating. The issue is since many people never get to that state, when they consume fluids the taste is more important than the effect it has on the body.  Therefore, many of us reach for the sugar-filled, high fructose corn syrup containing sweetened juices, sodas, coffee, and teas, and water is tossed to the side. Not consuming the proper amount of water can lead to dehydration, which is a huge problem in America today.
 Some studies indicate that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated (A. Roberts, Whatcom Coalition staff, 2007). I know what you’re thinking, “I’m not dehydrated, food contains water, and aren’t sodas, coffee, juices, and teas made from water?” So many variables such as age, weight, geographic area, social, and cultural variables play a big part in determining how much water an individual needs to consume. What is known is that even if an individual eats a perfect diet, they will not consume enough water for the body to function properly.
Dehydration affects the body in a number of ways. Chronically dehydrated people usually have sign that continue to worsen over time. Here are just a few symptoms of dehydration:
·         Tiredness
·         Migraines
·         Constipation
·         Muscle cramps
·         Irregular blood pressure
·         Kidney problems
·         Dry skin
·         Irritability
·         Anxiety
·         Depression
·          Food cravings
·         Allergies
·         Feeling sick when waking in the morning
·         Heartburn
·          Angina
·         Joint pain
·         Back pain
·         Colitis pain
·         Late-onset diabetes
·         Hypertension
Consuming the proper amount of water is key to looking good, feeling good, and living a healthy life. The minimum recommendation for water consumption per day is eight, eight-ounce glasses. The Positive effects of drinking water are countless. Here are just a few:
·         Weight Loss – Americans have become a custom to consuming far more solid foods that the body actually needs. Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Consuming water on a regular basis will cause many to feel hungry less. Water also cleans out your digestive system. Since most people don’t consume the proper amount of water, the body is unable to flush out all of the waste products from food. When this situation occurs, the risk of cancer in the bowels, kidneys, intestines, and colon increase dramatically.
·          Prevents headaches – The brain is 90% water. If you don’t supply your body with enough water, your brain cannot function properly.  The result will be headaches or migraines. (A. Roberts, Whatcom Coalition staff, 2007)
·         Healthier skin - Water helps to replenish skin tissues. It moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.
·         Less cramps and sprains - Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, which makes people less likely get cramps and sprains.
 Moral of the story is this. Water makes you and keeps you healthier. We live in a society where when we get aches and pains, we go to the doctor to get medications to mask the symptoms. Our country spends more money on health care than any other country in the world. Is it because we are just more prone to get sick? Not at all, it’s because we don’t take care of our bodies properly. Since children learn how to care for themselves by watching adults, bad habits that we have are learned by them.  Combine the excessive amount of sugar we consume and the lack of water intake of the average American, and you will have a better understanding of why the overall health of our country is steadily declining. 
God has granted each of us one body. It is our duty to care for it to the best of our abilities. Doing the small things sometimes go a long way in creating and maintaining a healthy body and life. Instead of soda, drink water. Instead of giving your children what they want, give them what they need.  Simply drinking the proper amount of water will increase the quality of life for you and your family.

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