Like my grandmother (RIP) used to tell me “A scared person is a dangerous person.”
Fear causes most people to think irrationally. Often, irrational thoughts lead to irrational actions. Racism is alive and well, and can be seen in the treatment of President Obama on a number of occasions.
Below are just 5 instances that come immediately to mind:
· As reported by ThinkProgress on Jan. 10, 2012, Kansas House Speaker Mike O’Neal (R) was forced to apologize to First Lady Michelle Obama after forwarding an email to fellow lawmakers that called her “Mrs. YoMama” and compared her to the Grinch.
· Earlier that same week, the Lawrence Journal-World was sent another email that O’Neal had forwarded to House Republicans that referred to President Obama that contained the Bible verse that says “Let his days be few” and calls for his children to be without a father and his wife to be widowed.
· Last week, Governor Jan Brewer confronted President Obama and unleashed a finger-wagging tirade against the president after he descended from his plane in Arizona.
· There's the infamous disrespectful display in 2009 by Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, who famously interrupted President Obama during his State of the Union address when he shouted “You Lie”.
· Republican candidate Newt Gingrich called President Obama the "food stamps" president, a not-so-veiled code for the N-word. Gingrich was rewarded with victory in South Carolina's primary election. What I'm about to say may not be politically correct and it may sound harsh but it is the truth as I see it.
The “Powers that be” assassinated the Kennedy brothers in front of the world. They popped Martin on the balcony and Malcolm on a stage in front of his children. The images and pain of violence and assassination are used to maintain control of the masses. They have been burned in America's collective mind. In the 60’s we were taught and lead to be nonviolent. It was a different time for the African-American community.
Fast forward to 2012. How dare any of you political figures disrespect the Commander and Chief of the United States? Oh I get it, since he’s a black male he doesn’t deserve the respect former presidents have gotten, right? If you’re a black male, it’s ok to call you the “food stamp” president, or wish your children be without a father, or attempt to scold you like you’re a school child? In the famous words of Charlie Murphy, “WRONG!” President Obama may be above addressing these issues….But I’m not.
I always tell people the world went wrong when people lost the threat of being slapped in the mouth. To Joe Wilson, the secret service should have taken your disrespectful racist a** out back and beat your legs until you couldn’t walk. I bet your ignorant a** wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
To Governor Jan Brewer, I bet If Michelle Obama would have been with the president you wouldn’t have put your finger in his face. You know Black women do not play that. President Obama was trying to be respectful. You deserved a Basketball Wives moment for that one...
To Newt Gingrich, c’mon Man (in my Chris Carter voice)! You have taken money from Fannie and Freddie Mac, cheated on various wives a number of times and repeated lied to the public. I’m not surprised that in such a classically racist state like South Carolina you tried to play the "quiet" race card. I hope your dumba** understands that all of the “Blacks and Latinos that don’t understand the key to future wealth” won’t be voting for your old, fat, lying a**.
Last but not least to you Kansas House Speaker Mike O’Neal. To pray for President Obama’s wife to be a widow and his children to be fatherless, means you are praying for his assassination. You may not agree with his policies but I suggest YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM. Touch him in a violent manner and we will touch you in the same way.
This is not the 1960’s. We are not in the streets singing "We shall overcome". The anthem now is more like "Down for my Ni***" by C Murder We are a multi-racial, military minded country that is tired of the same bullsh**. We have been enslaved physically and mentally, hung on trees, treated like animals, sprayed with water hoses, continuously beaten and done wrong by police. President Obama is the one glimmer of hope we have to see some real change in this country and we will protect him in the words of Brother Malcolm X (RIP) “by any means necessary.”