Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why Me Lord?

Why me Lord? This is a question many have pondered over centuries. When things are going wrong in one’s life or a tragedy hits, this is the main question we ask our Creator…Why me? Often most of us look at life from a selfish point of view. No matter what happens or who it happens too, the 1st thing we ask is why this had to affect our lives as it has.
In November 0f 2007 my Grandmother (RIP) answered this question for me. I was visiting her at her assisted living apartment. I had just found out some news that broke my heart and changed the course of my life. As I sat crying, explaining the situation to her, she held my right hand in her hand and stared deep into my eyes. It felt like she was looking through me. She said nothing at first, just sat and listened. Towards the end my explanation I said “Lord… why me?” Her face became strong and stern and she asked me two simple questions. “Why not you? What makes you different or better than anyone else?”
At first I was taken back. Some would say her response was even cold. However if you were blessed enough to meet Elizabeth Shines, you know she was a straight shooter. She said what she meant and meant what she said. Every punishment and all the praise she gave me throughout my life was done in love, and this was no different. As I sat crying, pondering the questions she had posed, something clicked! My tears started to dry up. I took deep breathes and got myself together.
Why not me? Just because I grew up in a stable household, stayed out of trouble growing up, went to college and had tried to set my life on a promising course, did that mean I was above anything? See sometimes we get it twisted. We look at our standings and material wealth on this earth and believe that makes us better than others or less likely to encounter tragedy. How wrong we are.
God never promised each day would be easy. He never told us we would live without struggle. He never told us that heartache and pain wouldn’t affect our lives, so why do we feel like that? Life is nothing but a series of tests God puts us through. The more you know and stronger you are, the more tests you will encounter. Instead of crying over spilled milk and asking yourself “why”, ask yourself “what now.”
I have lost loved ones to the Lord and to the earth. I’ve had it all and lost everything. My understanding of God, my purpose, and the realities of life have strengthened me. I no longer as “Why me”, I say thank you Lord for all the trials and tribulations because stress creates growth. Life is like a heavyweight fight. You are going to get knocked down. You are going to bleed, break bones and get scares and scrapes that may never heal. But in the end the only thing that matters is did you get up and keep fighting. No matter what you’re going through, thank God for it. Embrace the struggle and the strength you will gain from it. Always remember this statement, “That which does not kill you, will only make you stronger.”

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