Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Be an example

When I was younger I used to go to older people I looked up to for advice. I would sit and listen to their highly opinionated comments and make my decisions based off the information they gave me. As time went on I started to realize most of the suggestions I had been given were not as good as they sounded. At that point I realized one true fact: don’t take advice from a person unless they are a living testament to the suggestions they provide.
As a man, why would I take marriage advice from a man that’s never been married? Women, why do you take advice on your relationship from friends that don’t have a man? Why would I take career advice from someone with no career? It truly puzzles me. I don’t know if we are looking for acceptance or what, but if you are not a living testament to the advice you give…keep it to yourself.
Everyone has an opinion, but it is up to us as individuals to filter the good information from the bad. Fitness is no different. If you want to hire a trainer, find someone in shape. If you want to tighten up your abs, ask someone who has a six or eight pack. If you wanted to train for a marathon, would you ask a power lifter? Of course not, you would ask a marathon runner.
The moral of the story is this, actions speak louder than words. Some people talk just to hear themselves speak. If you want others to listen to you and value your opinion, let the life you live be a testament to the advice you give. So many people try to make themselves out to be what they are not. If their advice is ever in question, just use the life they lead as a deciding factor if their information is worthy of listening to or not.
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