Proper preparation prevents poor performance. The meaning of this statement is simple. If you don’t prepare for success, then you are preparing to fail. This statement holds true in every facet of life, especially fitness.
A very common excuse people give for bad eating habit is “I just don’t have the time”. If you have time to fill your stomach with high priced synthetically enhanced, sodium-injected fast food, surely you have time to enjoy fresh, natural foods that are essential to a healthy lifestyle.
There are three essential laws to proper eating for the average person.
1. Buy the right foods. When shopping, try to purchase products located around the outer perimeters of the store. Normally the fresh produce, proteins, milk products and bread products are located in these areas. Processed goods are located in the middle of the store (which is a marketing tactic but that’s for another blog).
2. Preparation and portion size. You have to plan to eat right. For example, cook 3 big meals in one day at the start of the week. Freeze the leftovers in single portion sized bags. That way you save money and can better control your food choices. For those that often eat at sit-down restaurants, there’s only one main point to remember. The portion size that most restaurants give you is minimally, double of what you should actually be consuming in one meal. Therefore, if your restaurant serving looks to be twice the size of a meal, eat half of your dish and eat the remainder a couple of hours later. Also try avoiding food fillers (such as breads). That way you don’t stuff yourself, and a single big meal is turned into 2 small meals, which is much better for your metabolism and digestive system.
3. Always remember don’t eat until you are full; just eat until you’re no longer hungry. And avoid waiting to eat until you are starving. There is a big difference in the amount you will consume when you fail to follow these principals.
Again, proper preparation prevents poor performance. These are just three small changes that will give you big long term results. Each day you have to prepare for success. Prepare to be fit, prepare to make good meal choices, and prepare to provide the type of healthy food that you and your family need.
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